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The ISMA Distinguished Service Award

The ISMA Distinguished Service Award is a prestigious recognition presented by various organizations, including the Indiana School Music Association (ISSMA) and the Illinois Society of Medical Assistants. This award is given to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding contributions or service in their respective fields. For example, the ISSMA Distinguished Service Award is presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to music education and related activities. Similarly, the Illinois Society of Medical Assistants presents the Distinguished Service Award to members who have shown extraordinary actions or service in the medical field. The specific criteria for this award may vary by organization, but it generally acknowledges exceptional dedication and impact within a particular industry or community.

What are the criteria for receiving the ISMA distinguished service award

The search did not return specific criteria for receiving the ISMA Distinguished Service Award. However, based on the available information, it can be inferred that the criteria for receiving the ISMA Distinguished Service Award may include demonstrating extraordinary actions or service in the medical assisting field, as mentioned in the context of the Illinois Society of Medical Assistants (ISMA) Distinguished Service Award[2]. For more detailed and official criteria, it is recommended to directly contact the ISMA or the relevant awarding organization.
